May 31, 2010

Whew, what a week!
15K last Sunday, practiced badminton on Wednesday, company badminton on Friday and inter-company badminton on Saturday. Good thing I got myself a knee support that looks exactly like this one from Amazon only its cheaper here in PH: I'm really hooked with badminton and can feel it's effect on my knees! I think its more on the ligaments(?) above my knee caps. (Google'd and I think it's a case of Quadricep Tendonitis)
The knee supports on both knees are my lifesavers and they helped me continue playing day after the other.
I'm also eying a backup racket: It's a Victor Artery Tex Ti-98 and it's a value for money compared to a Yonex counterpart. My current racket was given by my close friend, a Nanospeed 7000. I just thought I might need a spare racket one of these days :P

and here's a pic from Universal Studios, Singapore taken last April
with the Panasonic G1|14-45 combo

May 23, 2010

My First 15K :P

Ran at San Mig Bay Run Dash for Health 2010 this morning.
Took me 2h5m, hehehe.
Click on image below for more clickable items like photos I took on the last 5km

May 22, 2010

Happy 30th Pac-Man!

Check out \m/

This Pac-Man from Paul Neave \m/

May 18, 2010


Here's a tribute post to a Kababayan who's doing great in the entertainment business.

Way to go Charice!

May 17, 2010

Venus over Crescent Moon

I hope you guys saw this wonderful view last night,
unfortunately I was too lazy to shoot it.

Here's a shot from

May 16, 2010


This pic shows how the travellers benefit even its not fully completed yet ü Heat buster =D The sad part is the GPS cant get a clear communication in SLEX anymore =p

May 11, 2010

Sony Alpha NEX-5 is Official!

Review at Imaging Resource is already up

Am not jumping just yet...

I'll wait for more reviews. I'm also waiting for the Panasonic Lumix G2.

Sony's battery performance with my T500 is disappointing, I hope NEX-5's real world performance is not as bad.

Sony's NEX tilting LCD is very limited compared to the G1.

Sony's NEX kit lens is BIGGER than Panasonic's 14-45.

I'm not even sure why Sony retained 'Alpha' on the NEX' name when it's not even an Alpha mount O_o.

Will keep my money in the mean time.

May 10, 2010

Done My Part

I hope people wise up

May 07, 2010


I'm liking this PowerMP3 \m/
As of writing, I'm enjoying music from my N82>powermp3>fiioE3>k701 setup.

taken w/ N82

Pmp3 allows me to lock the keypad from the same screen. It remembers where I last played a song on app exit and automatically starts from there when I restart the app. The SQ (sound quality) is better than Nokia's Music Player and FolderPlay - there' s more bass and the treble is smoother. Pmp3 really squeezes the most from the N82. I rarely use my Sansa Fuze anymore :P

May 05, 2010


I've updated my theme once again and settled for Ultra 1, an Editor's Choice theme at SymbianThemesUs. I should be able to save some juice on my battery with this theme :P

After giving it another try, I decided to remove ebuddy and reinstalled an updated version of Slick by LonelyCatGames. It looks better now with my current theme.

I've also decided to replace FolderPlay. It's just too irritating to use from scratch - you have to point it again on the music folder and it doesn't actually remember which song was played last.

Today I am trying PowerMP3 and so far I'm liking it

and here's a screen shot of Dong Abay's Flipino (don't leave home without it :D)

the EQ is not working in the current version but it should be a nice feature. I'll be waiting :)

and one last note, the election is fast approaching and there are just some things going very "weird".
Have to be vigilant.
Let's pray for our country.

May 03, 2010


Finally I can see the streets and houses on our area \m/

Now my N82 is COMPLETE!

Been downloading the rest of Symbian apps I lost during the hard reset and I've replaced some like the theme and chat app.
Theme - Just Black v1.01 by ishaque

ebuddy (easier on the eye compared to slick)

cClock by Chua Welic

JBTaskman v1.08

and then some mobile apps from google, youtube, facebook (yeah FB! :P), etc...

and the best part is my Garmin MobileXT is still working :)

May 02, 2010

The Last Resort

Wuhoo! I finally was able to update my Ovi Maps from 2.0 to 3.0 \m/

I've tried everything... well not everything I guess - I was "afraid" to reset my phone. That's the last thing I haven't tried yet.

So tonight, before finally giving for the nth time - I said I have to try resetting my N82 and so I did.
The code to reset the N82 (not sure if this is good for all Nokia phones) is *#7370#. The phone will then ask for a Lock Code which is 12345. Then the phone will reset itself and will go bright white for some 5mins or so (yes it's quite a long time or that's how one feels when worried :D)

Prior to this, I've tried installing the latest Maps Updated but it didn't work. Just google for this version:
Then after the reset, install it and that's it! I reinstalled the Screen Capture and here are my new Ovi Maps on N82 :)

Logging off for now, I have to check it the current Maps will show the Philippine streets on my N82. Previously, I can see the streets on other countries but not in the Philippines. And I felt my N82 wasn't 'complete' without a working Ovi Maps :P

Current Moon Phase