August 29, 2011

DIY Bug Bites

Mouse cable to EM3Pro cable :)

August 27, 2011

The Sound of Mouse

August 24, 2011

Custom Tweaking

I just got to remove some bumps that hurt my ears

August 22, 2011

Not so Custom

What could be the chances that someone else's custom in-ear monitors will fit my ears?

Dang, I feel so light today - with just a bit of soreness at some points in my ears :D

August 18, 2011

Paris in Phil

My wife as invited to Century Properties Party so I tagged along :D

August 15, 2011!

We got this ipad2 and being a tech person that I am who usually can use an e-gadget without reading the manual straight from the box,
my initial use --- heck I haven't even used it yet and am just on the registration process and --- I'm already so frustrated!
It even has the nerve (:D) to ask for my credit card info just to complete the registration?!?!
And I just couldn't figure out the USB<>iTunes image until I googled it.


I guess I really don't belong with the apple crowd.


to be fair though: I love the AWLKB! :P

Now let me finish this %$#@! registration thing.

August 01, 2011

Current Moon Phase