July 31, 2007

wuhoo! I get to finish first! LOL!

Just to follow up on sunday's shot, here's a guava shot :D (not official)

We have a guava tree at the backyard and this was served to my son for breakfast - he didn't eat it today :D

Managed to sit at the back of the bus with a clean window today.
Official Shot


Still needs lot of practice :D Bus was doing 90kph at the skyway.

There's a Pepsi plant near our village

And part of the ongoing South Luzon EXpressway (SLEX) rehabilatation
'Man and Machine'

A church under construction
'Busy Church'

One funny thing about riding the bus in the Philippines with a camera is that you will really not be able to look at the viewfinder as you bounce with the bus - LOL! So "stealth shooting" is the best way to do it.

I just wish I had more time in using my ST35 on sunny days but it's rainy season already (more clouds but no rain). [Drat, its El Nino that we're experiencing over here].

Well, I really had fun and learned a lot. So I'm looking forward to the next challenge. Thanks all for watching and bearing with my 'snapshots'.

Got to think of another theme starting next month.

July 30, 2007

...it's almost midnight over here :P

Official shot that I took tonight on a cloudy full moon-lit night
'Moonlit Tree'

Heavy PP :P

On the way home along the road construction, there this series of yellow light that guides motorist. Shot from the shaky bus :P
'Guiding Light'


Tried a '+2 filter' on the laptop screen :D

And that brings me to a day before this challenge goes to an end.

2 more days to go...

Watched the 'Simpsons Movie' today with the family - hilarious!
No sun today and was forced to show you this


July 28, 2007

This has to be my official shot for today. Before I entered the car, I just had to take this one. The sun was a bonus I think when I reviewed it on the computer:

'Up Above'

and this set I took while driving "slowly" thru a road construction on my way home, stealth shooting mode:
'With Care'


'Look Out'



July 27, 2007

Was shooting from the bus again but most of them are wasted this time around because of the yellow curtain and dirty glass window :(
Anyway, managed to salvage some

'Too Close' - official shot

caught in a heavy traffic this morning and the buses are fighting their way :D this shot of another guy on the other bus :P

'Being Replaced'

and another lechon shot from our area

Just one of the vendors along the whole stretch of the National Road

July 26, 2007

Snapped this one on my way to the training venue

'Caught in traffic'

July 25, 2007

I'm on DB2 training today and there wasn't particularly interesting to shoot at the training venue. Maybe I can spot something tomorrow.

Official shot


you'll get the meaning from the 'ad' :P shot from the bus thru the window glass, lower left 'lighting' is caused by sunlight reflection from the side of the bus

...and variations of the cool cloud formation during sunrise this morning (shot from our house)

July 24, 2007

Misc: Ok, found this mug shot of my 1month combo and am not sure if I've posted it here already:


and the only and official shot today (shot in the office while playing the game)

July 23, 2007

The Simpsons Movie will start showing on the 27th. Yahoo!!! :))
I learned from my officemate about a 'lifesize' display at the moviehouse and so here they are:

The Simpsons!

Since I only have the 35mm with me, I took a couple of shots and stitched them, here's the outcome and what was infront of me:
'Watching TV'

I was standing ~3 feet from the display :))

July 22, 2007

Bright and sunny sunday over here and it was fun to look around and shoot some stuff, oh and it was a lucky day too - good photos i.e. :))

Official shot:

'Floating Jewels'

I liked this a lot and tried a B&W version
'Flare Fence'

'Enlightened Leaf'

Missed doing macro stuff so I cheated :P Using another lens' front element:
'Fly Breakfast'

'Look at the Gate'

My eldest son cooperating with me when I said I'll 'picture' his eye :))


July 21, 2007

Long day today and spent most of our time in the clinic waiting for the doctor - yeah, mostly on the waiting :P

It was already sunset when we arrived home and looked like some rain is brewing.
Warning : sensor dust :D no photoshop here at home.

Official shot:

Cloud Strokes

Cool Shadow 1

Cool Shadow 2

Red Within

Cloud Galaxy

again, TFL :)

July 20, 2007

Brought my cam to the canteen today so I'm glad to show you guys where we eat lunch :) ... still in stealth shooting mode :D



'She serves'

'I Chose'
[Ironically my pick for the official shot :) ]

'The Place'


Had fun and used ISO3200 for all the shots :P
Hope you enjoyed looking at this set :) TFL

July 19, 2007

Official shot

Audi banners at the building lobby (where the blue Audi is displayed)



The RoboPong is being demoed in the lobby as well. It was almost closing time...

'1 more try pls'

'RoboPong in action'

Current Moon Phase