January 09, 2010

update2: I'm going to get the combo on Monday.
In the meantime I am having a good time reading some photography stuff.
Also I am thinking of letting go of some of my A-mount accessories and lenses like:
1. the (Minolta) MD> (Sony/Minolta) AF 7000/9000 Made in Japan generic adapter
(image borrowed from dyxum)

2. MD-EOS flange : did you know you can use Rokkor lenses on Canon EOS bodies?
read more at http://digitalrokkor.altervista.org/installation.html
Here's a shot of my 40D and the MD-EOS flange:
and the next morning I tried the Rokkor 500mm (no PP)

3. and believe it or not - the Tamron 90 1:1 macro lens... so stay tuned!
dogears can be contacted at 0 9 1 7 536 1666 ;-)
update1: Deal closed :) off to ebay to check some adapters \m/
Hoping to close a deal w/ a used G1|14-45 :D

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